What is the Smallest Amount of Gold You Can Buy?

Learn about the smallest amount of gold you can buy and how to invest in it safely and cost-effectively.

What is the Smallest Amount of Gold You Can Buy?

One-gram gold ingots are usually the smallest gold bars you can purchase. The premium of these ingots is higher than that of other gold ingots, since almost the same effort is required to process this size as for a larger ingot. Single-gram gold bars are usually the most cost-effective way to buy gold today. The demand for these small gold bars is increasing due to their practicality and affordability.

In addition, there are other options available for those looking to invest in gold. Coins usually have a lower gold content than gold ingots. A one-ounce American Eagle coin, for example, has only 91.67% gold. In fact, the coin weighs 1.1 ounces, approximately one ounce of which is pure gold; the rest of the weight is silver and copper.

Under a gold options contract, you have an agreement with the option to buy or sell gold if it reaches a certain price on a predetermined date. Whether you buy your gold coins in person or online, you don't want to spend money on counterfeits or less pure gold than you are led to believe. But like gold coins, you're likely to pay more for the amount of gold you actually receive, a premium that could range from 20% to 300%, depending on the manufacturer. If you're a new investor in gold, buying a single-gram gold ingot is a good way to break through with this type of investment.

This allows you to expose yourself to gold as an investment without the risk or headache of manipulating physical gold.

Saúl Jenison
Saúl Jenison

Hipster-friendly sushi trailblazer. Total zombie junkie. Certified internet nerd. Proud tvaholic. Hipster-friendly twitter aficionado. Incurable travel trailblazer.