How to Buy Gold in Small Quantities

Learn how to buy gold in small quantities, from single-gram gold bars to 1-ounce gold bars. Find out the best storage options and how to find a reputable dealer.

How to Buy Gold in Small Quantities

Are you looking to invest in gold but don't want to buy a large amount? You can start with small quantities of gold, as low as 1 gram. Single-gram gold bars are the smallest gold bars available today and are a great way for new investors to get started. These smaller ingots have higher manufacturing costs in comparison to 1 ounce and 10 ounce gold bars, but they offer more diversification since they can be sold in smaller amounts. They also have a lower price point than other gold products, making it easier to build up your gold collection over time. Most European precious metal refineries that produce gold ingots in grams will also release 1-ounce gold bars.

If you're looking for a more practical storage option, these are a great choice. No matter what size of gold bar you choose, it's important to do your research and find a reputable dealer. This will ensure that you get the best quality product and the most value for your money.

Saúl Jenison
Saúl Jenison

Hipster-friendly sushi trailblazer. Total zombie junkie. Certified internet nerd. Proud tvaholic. Hipster-friendly twitter aficionado. Incurable travel trailblazer.